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Mackie Entertainment is a globally recognized booking agency, event management firm, and music record label. It is renowned for its excellence in providing top-notch services to clients across the world. As a leading event management company and international celebrity booking agency, Mackie Entertainment is dedicated to ensuring that its clients receive the best services possible.


Mackie Entertainment endeavors to uphold its status as the foremost 360 Entertainment company in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East region, while continuing to provide its esteemed clientele with unparalleled services. Our commitment to excellence and comprehensive entertainment solutions sets us apart not only in the UAE and the Middle East but also globally.


Our company’s mission is to enhance the well-being of individuals by providing them with innovative projects and ideas that will illuminate their world through entertainment. We aspire to create enriching experiences that will captivate our audience, leaving them with a sense of fulfilment and joy. By utilizing our creative talents and expertise, we aim to contribute to the entertainment industry through the delivery of exceptional products that meet our clients’ unique needs.


Mackie Entertainment's goal is to provide distinctive entertainment solutions that exceed our clients' expectations. We are confident that our comprehensive services will continue to set us apart and maintain our status as the leading 360 Entertainment company in the region and beyond.

Our team takes great pride in being the best. We derive joy from bringing happiness to others and genuinely love working with our coworkers, managers, and clients. We strive to help one another succeed and are always ready to take on any challenge that comes our way. Rest assured, we are always prepared to work hard and deliver exceptional results.

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